
Question askers. Problem solvers. Game changers.

Getting where you want to go doesn’t always require a big team. It requires the right team. We leverage our network and know-how to bring together the right collaborators for each project. You get the A-Team on every project, every day.

Whip-Smart leadership team


Jen Jones | Founder
Marketing & Brand Strategist

Impactful, nimble marketer on a mission to help brands connect with their people. With a passion for big ideas and more than 20 years of marketing experience, Jen shepherds clients through an often overwhelming marketing landscape and helps them reach their growth goals.

Specializes in…
Brand Strategy | Integrated Marketing Communications | Navigating Uncharted Territory | Solving the Unsolvable



Carly Bosanko | Creative Director

Versatile creative director and designer focused on visual story telling. With a wide-range of experience, Carly is always ready and willing to jump into any project bringing a sense of curiosity and calm to the team.

Specializes in…
Visual Design | Brand Strategy & Identity Design | Visual Storytelling | Operating in Ambiguity